The Significance of (Functional)Testing for Autoimmunity

Functional testing can be used as a powerful tool, offering a glimpse into the current status of your body's systems and organs. While conventional blood tests from your General Practitioner (GP) can provide general markers and nutrient levels, I can give you access to both functional and more specific blood tests. These specialised tests can identify potential antibodies to foods, toxins or your own tissues and provide indicators of systemic inflammation or dysbiosis. Crucially, I can offer you access to tests assessing the presence of a ‘leaky gut’ and uncovering food sensitivities. This scientific precision transforms the process of identifying root causes behind your autoimmunity from mere speculation to a strategic investigation.

Below, you will find a comprehensive, yet not an exhaustive, list of some the tests useful for individuals dealing with autoimmunity . Please note that all tests will be done as part of a Programme; however, tests costs are separate. Get in touch with me to find out more about specific tests or book your free 30-minute Exploratory Chat s to discuss how I can help you achieve your health goals.

  • Vitamin D, commonly known as the "Sunshine Vitamin”, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of ‘tight junctions’ within the gut (which stops it from ‘leaking’) and balancing the immune system. Its vital contribution to autoimmunity management cannot be overstated.

    Regular monitoring of Vitamin D levels, ideally every 3 months or at least biannually, is recommended to ensure adequate levels (125-175 nmol/l or 50-70 ng/ml). You can request this test through your GP or do a quick and easy finger-prick test at home through Thriva, Medichecks or

  • Cyrex Array 2: The integrity of the gut lining plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health, as it acts as a barrier between the contents of the intestines and the bloodstream. When this barrier becomes compromised, it can lead to the leakage of harmful substances, such as undigested food particles, toxins and bacteria, into the bloodstream. This breach triggers an immune response and sets the stage for inflammation, systemic health problems and potential autoimmunity.

    By identifying elevated levels of antibodies to zonulin or occludin, proteins that regulate the ‘tight junctions’ between gut cells, this test can indicate increased gut permeability. Additionally, measuring antibodies to lipopolysaccharides (LPS), the ‘exhaust’ of gram-negative bacteria living in the gut, can reveal if these harmful substances are entering the bloodstream due to a compromised gut barrier. This and all other Cyrex Array panels can only be ordered through me or another registered practitioner.

  • Cyrex Array 3: Wheat and gluten sensitivity can manifest in various ways, ranging from digestive issues and skin problems to autoimmune conditions and chronic inflammation. The Cyrex Array 3 can shed light on how your immune system reacts to the different proteins and other components (known as antigens) found in wheat, including gliadin, glutenin, gluteomorphin, wheat germ agglutinin and many others.

    This test can be used to identify possible coeliac disease, non-coeliac gluten sensitivity, dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten ataxia or other wheat or gluten-related disorders, and assess for a potential autoimmune response to wheat proteins and peptides.

  • Cyrex Array 4: This panel can evaluate reactivity to gluten-containing grains (rye, barley, spelt), non-gluten containing grains like rice, quinoa, oats and many others, which can be potentially contaminated with gluten, as well as other common dietary triggers, such as milk , eggs or soy. It can be used to detect food cross-reactions if you have coeliac disease or non-coeliac gluten sensitivity and are not responding to a gluten-free diet.

  • Cyrex Array 10: This test can help identify immune reactions to foods (raw and cooked), food enzymes, lectins and artificial food additives such as meat glue, colourings and gums. This allows for the early detection of dietary-related triggers of autoimmune reactivity and can also monitor the efficacy of customised dietary protocols. This panel can be beneficial if you have unexplained symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, brain fog, muscle or joint pains, recurrent headaches or migraines, anxiety, depression, hair loss, skin issues or if a ‘leaky gut’ is suspected.

  • This test can be used on its own or in conjunction with other Cyrex tests to check for the overall production of Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Immunoglobulin A (IgA) and Immunoglobulin M (IgM) in the body - an important measurement of general immunity. Low levels of immunoglobulins can be a result of taking steroid or immunosuppressant medications and will need to be taken into consideration when analysing other Cyrex Array panels.

  • This is a useful and insightful diagnostic tool that provides valuable information about the health and balance of the digestive system. It includes an assessment of several key components, including but not limited to: beneficial and harmful bacteria, yeast and fungal presence, digestive enzyme activity, inflammation markers and the overall state of gut flora. By analysing these factors, it can offer a thorough overview of the digestive ecosystem, helping to uncover potential issues that might be contributing to digestive discomfort, inflammation or autoimmunity.

Disclaimer: While functional testing can provide insights into various aspects of your health, including potential imbalances, sensitivities or markers of specific conditions, these tests may not be definitive and should not replace traditional medical testing or diagnosis by a licensed medical practitioner. It is important to note that individual responses to functional testing can vary and results should not be taken out of context.